Saturday, April 24, 2010

Big Week for a Little Guy

**UPDATE** Another cute video!

So, he laughed! It's been a long time coming! Earlier this week, Joe was watching a DVD with some puppet pigs splashing around in the mud, and he just thought it was too funny to stay quiet. Yay! He's not exactly a pro laugher quite yet (read: he never laughs. Ever. Despite mine and Lydia's repeated replays of the same DVD at the splashing pigs part!). But that makes it all the more special when he does let out a little chuckle. Of course, I spent all week trying to catch a laugh on camera; no luck. But here's a video that makes me laugh whenever I watch it! Joe is just talking away about goodness knows what. And you can't really tell, but he's sitting up basically all by himself! He's gonna have the ab muscles of a personal trainer soon (despite the neck rolls, belly cellulite, and man boobs).

Joe also got his first haircut this week! He was in dire need. And even though he definitely looks better, I don't think I missed my calling as a hairstylist. Before...

...and after! He looks much sharper, right??

And finally, another reminder that Joe's getting old too fast...he's holding up the bottle by himself!

That's all for now! Come back next week for more pictures and videos!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Baby Joe is 3 months old!

Tomorrow is Joe's 3 month birthday--how time flies! He's more interactive and responsive every day, and he's going to laugh any minute now (I've been saying that for weeks, but really, he's close!). He's a big boy...John likes to say he has more rolls than Luby's. In fact, when we haven't seen Charlie in a while, we just pull up a few of Joe's neck rolls to see if he's hiding in there. Some pics:

He's just started cooing, and he loves to talk to the little animals in his jungle gym. Here he is smiling at his friends!

Born with lots of hair, and it just keeps growing.

Startled by his dad! He always gets surprised by the "bzzzz" sound. But look at those baby blues...

Joe's a big drooler, and of course we caught this one midstream. Oh, the joys of parenthood.

Easter! How cute is that preppy little outfit!

Almost big enough for the jumper! His feet don't exactly touch the ground yet, but he still loves it.

Tummy time!

Cute face!!

More pictures and videos to come! Thanks to Lydia, Joe's amazingly awesome nanny, for a few of these pics!