MONTH 1 (April)
During the first month of my pregnancy, I was finishing up law school -- going to law prom, taking finals...not a good time to be the most tired I've ever been in my entire life!!

MONTH 2 (May)
Still exhausted, and still taking finals. But I did graduate from law school, which meant I got to wear this lovely Chef Boyardee outfit (highly appropriate, since I was putting on more and more yummy fat every day...!):

MONTH 3 (June)
Serious bar studying begins! I had some pretty terrible morning sickness by this point, which was NOT enhanced by the hotness of summer. Getting into that burning hot car every morning to go sit in a barbeque restaurant to learn about wills, trusts, oil and gas, tax, so on and so on? Not so good for a mama-to-be. Also not good when the bathroom doesn't have doors, so everyone can hear you...being pregnant in the bathroom. Sorry fellow bar studiers!!

MONTH 4 (July)
Month four = a serious blur. Bar studying was in full-on crazy mode. Not a time I care to look back on! But this was the month we found out officially that Joe was a boy. I say "officially" because I took some silly pee test for the baby's gender, and it said boy. No pictures of me at this time...they wouldn't have been pretty, as the three-week period before the bar is one of the darkest times of a lawyer's life! But at least I was feeling better. Joe let me focus on the bar rather than my topsy-turvy stomach!
MONTH 5 (August)
BAR TAKEN! John and I (and Joe, of course!) took a vacation to Costa Rica with some good friends from law school. I was glad Joe got to take his first international trip so soon! And today, he LOVES to chew on his little "I <3 Costa Rica" stuffed turtle that we bought him so that he'd "remember" his trip. By this point I was feeling great -- no fat belly yet, no more morning sickness (at least for awhile), and NO MORE BAR!
MONTH 6 (September)
Easiest pregnancy month of all. I still wasn't really "showing" at this point...not until about the end of the seventh month could anyone really notice I was pregnant. But I remember feeling Joe move for the first time during the sixth month; just a little flutter at first, but pretty soon he was doing cartwheels and somersaults all day long!
MONTH 7 (October)
Another low key month. But I did take advantage of my pregnancy in my Halloween costume. Can you tell who I am? Probably not, but would it help if I told you I stuffed by butt with cotton filling? I was Kourtney Kardashian (who was also very pregnant at the time)! Oh so classy, right? But this is the first picture of a really visible baby bump! Oh, the good old days.

MONTH 8 (November)
Starting to get pretty big! The biggest thing about November -- we got our results, and John and I both PASSED the Bar!! After all the anticipation leading up to taking the test and then waiting for results, I can safely tell you I've never had a more relieving day in my life (even the day I gave birth!). We also went to a friend's wedding this month, so Joe made his first trip to San Antonio. And my wonderfully understanding husband got me these awesome boots, since I was so sad that they don't make any cute preggers clothes!

MONTH 9 (December)
Counting down the days! I spent most of this month concerned that I was going into labor, since the doctor told me around December 9 that I was getting close! Just ask my mom and Katie Rubick, who fielded all my freaked-out phone calls. Joe was also getting so big that he was causing me a few getting stuck sitting on the bathroom tub because he was resting on a nerve! Thank you, dear husband, for forever memorializing this oh-so-flattering moment (you might notice that he took a photo before he helped me up!):

MONTH 10 (January)
For these last few weeks, it felt like Joe was a full-grown person inside of me. Every movement experience, and things started to go all National Geographic all over the place. Oh, and very importantly, Texas lost the National Championship game. But I did manage to make it all the way through that incredibly stressful game without sending myself into labor!

JANUARY 17, 2010 (Sunday)
Joe is born! My water broke on Saturday at about noon...while I was on the elliptical at the gym! Fortunately there was no one there but John and me. Crazily, I had actually forced John to get up and go with me that morning. I hassled him all day that I didn't want to be at the gym alone in case my water broke -- even though my due date wasn't for another week. How funny that it did break that day!
So I showered, ate lunch, got the house organized, and finally got to the hospital at about 2:00pm. My mom was in the process of jumping on the first plane she could -- which didn't leave until very early Sunday morning! But that turned out to be great timing. I hung out at the hospital all day on Saturday without feeling a single contraction...until about 1:00am. When I finally did feel my first contraction, it was definitely zero to sixty! The contractions started at full-on pain level, and after about thirty minutes of that loveliness, I got my epidural. After that, I dozed on and off for the rest of the evening, until the doctor came in at about 8:00am and said it was finally time to push. I pushed for about an hour and a half (probably the fastest hour and a half of my life!), and finally out came my wonderful little son! Born 8oz even at 9:15am on January 17. Alas, the day the Cowboys lost to the ViQueens in the playoffs. You're bad Cowboys AND Longhorns luck, Joe! ;)
By the way, notice how I have my son cradled lovingly in one arm, but my water cup is proudly and possessively grasped in the other?? They wouldn't let me drink any water while I was pushing, and I have never been so thirsty in my life. I wasn't putting that water glass down for ANYTHING.
So there it is! My pregnancy in a nutshell. More pictures and videos of Joe to come soon.
Aww you're super-cute! Love the pictures.
ReplyDeleteLoved it that you morphed from Katie into Chef Boyardee into Kourtney Kardashian and back into Katie with Baby Joe. That's a great little nutshell! Enjoyed reading it and seeing the photos.
ReplyDeleteI loved this!
ReplyDeleteI will always have fond memories of you nibbling on saltines during BarBri. Not gonna lie, I did lol at the picture of you stuck in the bathroom. Although shame on John for stopping to take a picture! Tsk tsk.