Saturday, November 26, 2011

Some Love for Ian

I realized the other day that most of my posts are about Joe.  The only post lately about Ian was that he isn't sleeping (which he still isn't, really).  Sorry Ian!  You're just too much of a sweetheart -- Joe's antics usually way trump yours. 

Anyway, this post is all about you, littler kiddo.  "Littler" is definitely key, cause there is no measure by which you are "little."  At your four month appointment last week, you weighed in at almost 16lbs 15oz--almost two full pounds bigger than Joe was at that age.  Which I thought was impossible.  You're off the charts long, and only barely on the charts heavy.  Your weight and height were the weight and height of an average eight month old baby.  Wowza, buddy.

As you can tell from this picture, you look ridiculously like your Uncle Matt.  You're all Lavalley, for better or for worse.  Goes well with the middle name, right? 

See this one-socked look you're rockin' in this photo?  That's because you always like to kick that leg out of your swaddle at night.  It's not cool enough yet for full-on footie pajamas, so this is your dad's solution: one socked foot and one non-socked foot.  It may not be the most fashionable look, but at least your toes are warm. 

You're teething, as the excessive amount of drool in this super out-of-focus picture is meant to show.  This is what happens when mom trusts her camera to dad.  He also promised that I was not in this picture at all when he took it??  Anyway, no little white buds yet, but you chew on anything and everything, all the time, and you drool buckets.  Oh, and you still have a mohawk.  Weird.

One of your favorite pastimes is to hang out on the bed every morning while Joe eats his breakfast (and Charlie stalks you guys for any unmanned food particles).  Joe makes sure to re-plug that binky whenever it falls out.  He is outrageously attentive to you.  Every time he comes into a room from a nap or from being out of the house, the first thing he does is find you and check on you to make sure we haven't negligently killed you while he was away.  He loves to give you hugs and kisses, and every time he finds anything of yours out of place, he brings it to us and says "Ian!  Ian!  Ian!".

You've rolled over all the way a couple of times (yay!), but usually you only get halfway and get stuck on your arm.  See.

They say babies your age don't have allergies, but you are definitely the exception that proves that rule.  Your piping upstairs is just not awesome.  Every early morning since you were about 4 weeks old, you have had terrible congestion that wakes you up and makes you very, very pissed.  I think this problem contributes to your less-than-desirable sleep patterns.  We use saline drops and the sucker (a baby version of the netipot, which will change your life once you're old enough to use it), but you still had boogers the size of Alaska clogging up your nostrils every morning.  The next thing we're trying is the half raised up crib.  I really, really hope this works, cause the 5:00am booger hunt is growing a little old.

It may not look like much of an incline, but it's clearly doing something, since two mornings in row you may have, eh-hem, tumbled down to the bottom by that giraffe.  But hey, if it leads to less congestion and more sleep, you're okay with a little tumbling, right?  Right.

Dad and I can't believe how fast you're growing up.  We're so happy to have you around, even though having two of you under two can get pretty fiesty at times.  You're as easy and fun and happy as you could be, so thank you for doing your part to make our lives a little easier.  Love you, Cutepie!

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