Saturday, December 31, 2011

Look Who's Talking!

As of a few days ago, Joe's been in speech therapy for about three months.  Remember back when I said that one day soon hopefully I'd be posting videos of him babbling away?  Well, here you go.  Check out his truly fantastic progress. 

This will work best if it's in context, and you're a little prepared on what to listen for (we're still working on intelligibility, but he's not even two yet, so I'm still dang impressed!).  My mom and sister took Joe to the zoo a few days ago, and he can't stop talking about the animals - especially the tiger:

Animals are a thing lately.  Lindsay taught him all the animal sounds - here are a few:

And he loves to talk about his friends at school - Alexis and Gage are his favorites.  His teacher's name is Ms. Zakea.

Since Charlie's very into all of Joe's new Christmas toys, Joe has also gotten pretty good at "No Charlie!":

No talking in this last one, but the dancing was just too cute.

Okay, enough with the annoying braggy parent videos.  I'm just so proud of him for coming such a long way in such a short time!  Nice work, Joe!

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